Comparison of 3 audio results

Are the audio results of track freeze, in-place render or track export strictly equivalent in quality? When I listen, I don’t hear any difference. Is there a technical difference? I’m only talking about sound quality.


There shouldn’t be any audible differences. If you’re not convinced, do a null test.

I’ll do it. I’m going to do it, but I was thinking that other users have done it before me.

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Yup understood,

I was posting from the phone.

Happy to test for you if you like.


Hi Phil. I’ll give it a try here, but if you want to do it on your own with your own work, we’ll exchange opinions.

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I’ve just done a test, at least between the track freeze and the render function. Just by ear, the difference is significant. The gel gives something less supple, less musical. I’m sure it does. It’s a utility function, not real rendering. It’s okay, but you have to know. As for exporting, I haven’t tried it, because it would be hell to produce thousands of clips (events) to place in the session.

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