? compatibility on Mavericks with Nuendo7 next to LogicPro9

Is there any known incompatibility while installing Nuendo 7 on a Mavericks OSX 10.9.5 system on a modern macbookpro next to

  • LogicPro 9
  • ProTools 11 native
  • Wavelab 7

Thanks and Cheers :wink:


I don’t know any critical restriction.

But be careful with Aggregate Device. As far as I know, Pro Tools creates one Aggregate Device with the installation, but this virtual Audio device could cause some issues in Nuendo (and other music software). Just delete the Aggregate device in Audio MIDI Setup.

At the other hand, Logic could install DVCPROHDMuxer.component, which could causes “Video service is currently not responsive” error message. Both topics are described in this knowledge base article.

Hi, thanks for your reply and link.
There is that Aggregate Device, but neither Logic or Wavelab got problems with it. I’ll check what Nuendo does.

Works well.