Condensing double stops?

I see some related threads but I don’t know if I’ve run across this specific case on the forum. In 2023 I engraved the first movement of Bartók’s Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, and from what I remember it worked fine.

Opening the file now, whenever I try to condense strings with double stops, some of the notes disappear (bars 51-64) and there the occasional double noteheads (cello bar 52, violins and viola bars 56-60). But they are all there in galley view.

Was my memory mistaken and this was always an issue? Did I do something wrong in the condensing? There is no divisi in the file. Thanks for any ideas!

Bartok-MusicForStrings.dorico (2.1 MB)

I’m afraid Dorico doesn’t support the condensing of material that is in multiple simultaneous voices on a “source” staff.

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Doubled note heads resemble this:

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