Condensing of Section Players incl. Divisi

I asked this question already in German but got no reactions so far. Therefore, I try it in English.
I am quite new to Dorico, so my questions is hopefully easy to answer. Nevertheless, I found no answer, neither in the manual nor in the forum.

I want to set a score for a choir where Sopranos and Altos are shown in the same system. Sopranos as well as Altos are defined as Section Players, and I have put both in the same Custom Condensing Group. Everything works fine: both players are shown in the same system.
But at one single place, the Altos are divided for one bar, for which I used a divisi. Now, at this point, I get two systems, one for Sopranos and one for the (divided) Altos. I would like to have (also for those bars) Sopranos AND Altos in the same system, but I found no way of achieving this.

Does anyone have a solution?

Many thanks in advance and best wishes,

Perhaps an easier way would be to use separate voices?

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Hello Michele, thank you very much for your hint.
I tried it with three seperate Section players (S, A1, A2) and put all three of them in one condensing group. The result is even worse: Everything is in one system when A1 and A2 are not split, but at the “divided” bars, I get again two seperate systems, one containing S and A1, and one containing A2 - not really better. :frowning:

BTW, a work-around would be not to divide the Altos but to use chords. Then, the layout is like I wished to have it. BUT (even more than having two players A1 and A2) it contradicts the Dorico principle to mimic what actually is happening with the players: the Altos do not (and cannot) sing chords, but the section splits up for this bar.
And besides from this “theoretical” aspect: I also want to generate MIDI files for individual voices, and I would not able to differentiate between A1 and A2 when using chords.
Therefore, I am still looking for the “right” solution … :smiling_face:

Hello Derrek,
I must admit that I do not understand what you want to say. Your picture shows the unproblematic part: two voices in the same system. My problem starts when one of those voices includes a divisi.
Maybe you can explain your suggestion?
Best wishes, Andreas

My post is an illustration of Michele’s sensible suggestion.

When you say you want S and A in the same system, do you mean on the same staff? Any parts singing simultaneously would be in the same system. If altos are only dividing for one measure and your wish S & A on the same staff, using voices rather than condensing would be preferable.

In addition, at Dorico’s current level, condensing vocals is often difficult and not ready for prime time in a way that condensing instruments has reached a higher level of sophistication and capability…

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Adding to what Derrek said, it is known thanks to the hive mind experience that condensing vocal staves can lead to unexpected results, especially when condensing lyrics.
If you want a bulletproof solution, create a different player for each division scenario you can think of.
You could start from the Choir reduction player but be careful that when you add several division, it doesn’t understand on its own if you are dividing the SA or the TB. That’s why perhaps a Female voices instrument and a Male voices instrument could be more flexibly (read: give you less headaches).

At that one single place, don’t use divisi.
Instead put the divided Altos into separate voices - just at that single place.
Leave them in the same system - no divisi.

How does this look in the condensed version?
I am just trying to pinpoint, what @MicheleGalvagno and @Derrek have already suggested.

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You’re looking for something like this? I can’t say this is a condensed line - it’s hand crafted.

(replaced image)