Condensing question

Why does condensing work differently here for oboes and clarinets. They have identical parts, the differences between oboe 1 and 2 and clar 1 and 2 are also identical. ??? Why do the oboes have a2 twice? And why do the clarinets go into separate stems? (The following measures in the next system are also identical in both.)
a2.7z (441 KB)

The phrases are actually different. The clarinet has no rests until bar 9, whereas the oboes end before. Slurring is different in each clarinet voice, thus they cannot share a stem. An “a2” marking appears everytime a phrase with shared stems starts (and also each system)

It’s definitely something in the poco rit. bar, but I can’t quite pin down what.

The dynamics were different, but not apparently. The hairpin ended at the end of the system. If you copy the dynamics in the clarinet system onto the second and you slur them evenly, you’ll see that it works.

Bingo. I knew there was something weird about the dynamics, but hadn’t figured out what. Thanks, Lucas.

Thank you. It was the slurs that were the reason.

But why two times a2 in the oboes?

As things stand Condensing isn’t in its final form - it’s often overly zealous with “a2” indications. Thankfully you can hide them from the properties panel in Engrave mode.

You’re welcome. The reason is that it identifies it as a new phrase, because of the eight note rest just before the a2 indication.

If it were that simple, there would be three a2s here, rather than two, no?

That’s true. Then I just don’t know, and I’m actually a bit curious about the algorithm now. Luckily, as you said, we can still hide them in Engrave mode.