Help! I have condensing enabled on this score but the oboe and bassoon parts look insane. The oboe 2 is not playing at all for bar 3/4 so why is the rest showing up under there? Additionally, why is it restating the “1.” above that oboe 1 line? Also, the bassoon’s are not going to tenor clef when they should be (should be on the first g in measure 3). Finally, sometimes the “1.” and “2.” info is redundant so, is there any way to remove those within dorico?
This is what the condensed score looks like:
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
Here is what is actually written out for each part
Welcome to the forum!
Check Library → Notation options → Condensing and see if there’s anything to help there. I know there are some settings for showing and hiding rests.
Hi @Josh_Goodell, I was able to obtain this with a manual Condensing Change, and a Note Input Option (changed from factory defaults). The only thing I was not able to correct is the clef change for the first three eight notes in bassoon 2 (in bar 3):
Here the Dorico File that I notated from your screenshot (I hope is ok with you!) in case someone wants to search further/better possibilities:
difficult condensing.dorico (735.2 KB)
Here the setting for the Condensing Changes (you may want to reset them later in the piece):
Here the Notation Option changed:
To hide them you can do it in Engrave mode, selecting them and activate Hide in the Properties panel:
Hello Josh
If you add in the SCORE, (galley view) a tenor clef to the first bassoon at the second eighth of the third bar, i.e., the same place as the second bassoon, you will find that in the SCORE (page view) there is now a tenor clef against the second bassoon. But there are now two tenor clefs here and also in the first bassoon PART. Making sure that ‘set local properties’ in the properties panel is set to LOCAL in Engrave mode, you can hide the unwanted clefs in both the 1st bassoon PART and the SCORE in the properties panel.
I also set in the Condensing Change for the bassoons to have the option ‘Hide rests for inactive players’ set to change, but the box left unticked’, as per screen shot.
I hope that’s clear ! Feel free to ask for further help…
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difficult condensing.dorico (733.2 KB)
Here’s the file.