Confirmation after removing an Insert plugin in MixConsole

Hi guys,
With the new Cubase 9 MixConsole history, each time I remove a plugin from MixConsole, a new message pops up asking if I am sure I want to discard changes.

Let say I am a big boy and I know what I am doing, is there away to remove these confirmation request? They become annoying pretty quick I didn’t fin any settings in prefs.

Thanks in advance.


I’m not with Cubase right now… Isn’t there the “Pleas don’t ask again” check mark in the window?

Btw, Cubase asks only if you change any parameter of the plug-in. :wink:

Preferences/VST/Plug-ins: Uncheck “Warn Before Removing Modified Effects”.

Ah thanks guys, I missed it it seems.
