conncetion timeout, disconnected


Gave vst connect another go, still having some improvements, however got disconnected just like before.

Musicullum you asked what type of message I get when we get disconnected, it says:

“Connection timeout, disconnected”

what does this mean, and how can I prevent this?

also some more questions. What am I doing wrong when I hear a guitar in just one speaker? this goes for my peformer too, he also heard things in just one speaker, at least sometimes… things had the tendency to change…

also, when setting cue sends, should the “stereo out” cue send be activated too for my performer, or does that create an unnecessary overdub?

Is is the the cue send for the current performer track that provides the monitoring of what the performer is currently playing, or what controls that?

Also Im having trouble understanding the channel strips in the vst connect window, I think that the meters go up when I speak in my talk back for example, or maybe I got that wrong.

However I have the feeling that all the meters go up regardless of which microphone input my performer is playing on ( he had a guitar in one input and a microphone in the other) but I think everything went up all the time, I did not feel certain that one channel was the guitar and one the microphone. We only had half an hour before my performer had to leave so maybe Im just missing something but this is what I recall from the session. The channel strips just seems to be all over the place for some reason, would appreciate an explaination of how they work.

You should compile a list of every way to screw this up too, so that we can all see if we are doing any of that.

It means that VST Connect got no more communication for more than 10 seconds.

There are small pan controls in the VST Connect mixer.

Sends are called sends because they send the channel signal to the selected destination. If you send to the Performer cue, the Performer will hear that signal. Sending to your own Monitor is useless as this is usually done by the faders.

It controls what the Performer hears.

You are probably missing the fact that for the Performer channels you can select the source (of the Performers’ audio interface) on the top of the Performer Monitor mixer. I suggest that you read the manual.

We keep repeating that you should use the “Create VST Connect” function on an empty project and not mess with settings that you don’t understand, and if you do nevertheless, if you change something and it doesn’t provide the desired outcome, change it back to what it was set to before. This is not only true for VST Connect.

Thanks for the reply. Sorry I don’t know how to use the quote function yet so I just copied some of your responses which I have follow-up questions to manually

“It means that VST Connect got no more communication for more than 10 seconds.”

Do you have any idea what causes this to happen, as there is not problem with our connections. Is it router related, or cubase related, both, or whatever?

“There are small pan controls in the VST Connect mixer.”

I will check these pans, but still I suspect that this is something else, more a result of the some kind of stereo signal being sent, and therefore things being panned hard right and hard left, and thus causing the guitar to be in only one speaker.

“Sends are called sends because they send the channel signal to the selected destination. If you send to the Performer cue, the Performer will hear that signal. Sending to your own Monitor is useless as this is usually done by the faders.”

I did not talk about sending to my own monitor, I don’t understand what you mean with this. regardless back to my original question. When I have the mix console up I will enable the cue sends and turn up the cue send for the vst connect on all channels, however it’s possible to do this on the “stereo out” as well ( my master fader) but wondering how this work, Im thinking, that if I would like to give my performer the same listening as me, I can raise ONLY the cue send of my master, as this would feed him everything? because wouldn’t it be feeding him double signals if I raise the cue sends of the individual channels that I want him to hear, and then raise the cue send for my master as well?

It controls what the Performer hears.

I get the feeling that you only refer to the fact that the cue sends controls what the performer hears, I know that, but I was refering to the monitoring of what the performer is playing, as this is much more complicated that his. Because many more factors come into play here, first of all if my performer uses direct monitoring, then this is out of my control, second aspect is that if the performer uses reverb and inserts the performer can hear this without me having any cue send turned on, this tells me there is more aspects to this than only the setting of my cue send, so then finally back to my questions, how does the cue send for my performer track affect my performers listening in relation to all this?

“You are probably missing the fact that for the Performer channels you can select the source (of the Performers’ audio interface) on the top of the Performer Monitor mixer. I suggest that you read the manual.”

I will look more into this, thanks. I have been checking these things out, however then other factors come in between. I have read the manual, and find it lacking some things, however it’s also the aspect of needing to read it several times to understand things on a deeper level. will check these aspects out again.

“We keep repeating that you should use the “Create VST Connect” function on an empty project and not mess with settings that you don’t understand, and if you do nevertheless, if you change something and it doesn’t provide the desired outcome, change it back to what it was set to before. This is not only true for VST Connect.”

I know you keep repeating this, and I honestly become a bit confused each time, since, according to me, it’s so obvious that you need to do alot more things to get it working. for me, you need to set cue sends, and turn on the monitor outputs in the vst connection’s studio tab, to just enable listening for my performer and me. Then there is the aspect of setting delay compensation to get a steady connection, and the list goes on. Nothing wrong with that, I am happy to do everything that is required, but saying that all you need to do is to use “create vst connection” is simply not true, as far as I understand this now.

thanks again for all the help. Really looking forward to the update which hopefully has insert possibilities ( guitar distortion) with the option to record clean signal, working even on the ipad version. (please)

I’m on vacation so can only reply briefly.
a) If you send main out to Performer cue, Performer would hear himself with a huge delay. You can also choose what Performer hears in the Control Room, default is cue but you can choose main or other input like CD player or whatever you create in Studio settings. Read the Control Room section of the Cubase manual.
b) if Performer uses direct monitoring, you can simply mute his own channels in the Performer Monitor, only drawback is you can’t use built-in fx properly then.
c) use the “Create Performer Track” function or duplicate exsisting Performer tracks, then cue sends are enabled automatically. Otherwise you have to set cue sends manually, but tha’s true not only when you use VST Connect. Control Room offers some handy functions for multiple cue settings, read the manual.
d) sorry for beeing insistive about using “Create VST Connect”. I don’t see why it shouldn’t work in your case, in addition may want to mute Performer Monitor channels because of direct monitoring. If you have to raise Remote Latency you have a weak connection. " Have to Turn on monitor" (that’s not VST Connect Monitor, it is your studio main monitor like with any other mixing console) is mandatory when using Control Room, but we’ll check if we can look for that with the Create/Repair VST Connect function.
e) I will check how disconnect can happen if it works fine, seems very strange. How did you set "Remote “Latency”?