I am trying out the demo of Dorico… Liking it so far 
Can someone please give suggestions on how to connect Viena Ensemble Pro to Dorico?
I tried to create a template for it in the Vienna Assistant, but it’s not showing up there to choose (the other VSL instrument are visible and selectable).
Many thanks, Robert
A picture is worth a 1000 words. Here, in Play mode, left panel, follow the arrows!
Then press the rounded e right next to the cog next to “Vienna Ensemble Pro”. This will open a window where you can
Press connect and then another window asks for the server, instance you want to connect to Dorico in that slot.
Wonderful… Thanks a lot 
Also found a clear video on YouTube about it, so now I’m all set…
I have already created an orchestral template for BBC SO, I use that in studio one with sound variations. Is it possible to use those from Dorico, or do I need to have articulations on different Midi Channels.
Best, Robert
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Dorico uses expression maps to control the different libraries’ articulations. You shall find a very detailed series of videos on that topic (quite recent, I think they’re two weeks old!) by the excellent @Anthony_Hughes
What a great help here… Thanks a lot Marc, much appreciated.
Will check it out!
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