I don’t know if this has been asked before, the search didn’t yield any results.
How can you get two dotted quarters in C 14?
instead of:
and in this case quite similar just a quarter note within the triplet:
I don’t know if this has been asked before, the search didn’t yield any results.
How can you get two dotted quarters in C 14?
instead of:
and in this case quite similar just a quarter note within the triplet:
if the first note is shortened, I get this result:
but in the right leght the second note slides into a connected double-pack.
The situation here is that when you have a note that crosses the beat, which happens with the second dotted quarter. In Dorico there are lots of options for how note and beam grouping is done with respect to the time signature and position in the bar. We intend to make more of these options available in the Cubase Score Editor in the future.
In general, Dorico and Score Editor follow the established conventions in Gould (https://www.fabermusic.com/shop/behind-bars-the-definitive-guide-to-music-notation-p6284), however, we know that users do have their own preferences, which is why Dorico has many options.
One limitation we have currently is that it’s not possible to set the beat grouping of the time signature, and we don’t have a ‘forced duration’ concept in the Score Editor.
For the tuplet case, you should be able to create a 3:2 half note tuplet. The way I often do it is create a half note in an empty bar, create the tuplet from it then paste it at the required position (there may be easier ways)
Ok Thank you.
But could you describe your workflow of
I create a half note on beat 2
go to the tuplet button and click 3:2 … the note becomes shorter, but no quarter triplet
copy and paste the note on the right place
and shorten it further to quarter triplet
Then I insert the first note in the bar again, which will later be connected to the first part of the triplet.
There is a —9—
I delete the 9
connect the first note in the bar with the first note of the triplet
and get the same picture as at the beginning.
Ah sorry, my mistake – I thought you needed to create a 1/2 note then create the triplet (because the total length is 2 quarter notes). You need to create a 1/4 note then a triplet.
Here’s my workflow:
Create two quarter notes in the key editor:
Ensure the tool is switched to Object Selection mode (ie out of Draw mode) and create the triplet
Select the first note in the triplet and press Ctrl-D twice to duplicate
Select the Glue tool and click on the first note
Wow small cause - big effect.
Thank you
Sorry, again.
I just wanted to draw conclusions.
If I want to have 2 half triplets in a 3/4 time, I should create a half note
and divide it into 3:2.
copy it to the right place
Why doesn’t this work for this case?
If i delete the 9 tuplet, i get the same result as before.