Control room confusion

Hi, trying to use my MacBook stand alone for Audio for those times I’m sitting in my Armchair.

I’m getting confused with Control room.

I have the “Studio Setup” set for “Built-in Audio”

In “Audio Connections”. I have my “Outputs” tab set as:
“Bus Name” is “Stereo Out” and under “Audio Device” I have “Built-in Audio” selected.

This plays Tracks fine in Cubase. But when I go to the Media section on the right and preview something, I get zero sound.

If I go back to “Audio Connections” and select the "Control Room " tab,
“Bus Name” is “Monitor 1” and under “Audio Device” it says “Not Connected.” If I change this to “Built-in Device” now I have the preview sounds playing However doing this changes the “Output” tab “Audio Device” to “Not Connected” hence I have no sounds for my tracks.

Obviously having a thick moment, Any advice greatly received.


This is the correct setup. The Output is routed to the Monitor 1 too.

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Many thanks, turns out I’ve been using Control room wrong for ages, this has helped a lot

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