Conversion of note lengths

Hello, please is there any easy way

  1. how to convert a song in 6/8 (12/8) time to 4/4, so that the original eighth notes are eighth triplets?
  2. how to convert the whole song to double or half time notation. For example, I have a piece where there are 4 half notes at 200 bpm and I would prefer 4 quarter notes at 100 bpm.

Thanks for the ideas.

These all depend how complex the original is (particularly if there voices coming and going).

6/8 to 4/4: Insert on. Select your bars. tuplet 3:2e. Change time signature. Insert off. Tidy up.

Double to half: use write>edit duration>halve note duration… (except it will not work if there are tuplets present).

I Will try it, thanks

The moral is “No, there is currently no ‘easy’ way.”

Plan ahead or bite the bullet.
(And I admit, I’ve gotten caught by this myself.)