I am having trouble understanding the logic of what happens when I convert notes to triplets.
In the first two images, you can see that I highlighted an eighth note, clicked the 3:2 icon, and the result was as expected.
There are two things that don’t seem right, however.
- If I select several notes in different staves (for example, a note in each horn staff) and click a different duration, they all change. In the next two images you can see that I changed quarters to halves.
This does not work when I select several vertically-aligned eighths and click the 3:2 icon: only the top one changes.
2. The following behavior is stranger.
I wanted to change the straight eighth to a triplet, but look what happened.
If this is a bug, I can live with it; but if Dorico is meant to work this way, I would like to understand the logic.
This is not a big deal, but when you use software several hours every day, it is good to get the workflow as smooth as possible.