Copy and Paste Filter for Finale refugees

Here is a tidbit which took me a few weeks to figure out. The clipboard filter in Dorico (main menu > Edit > Filter) is applied to the current contents of the clipboard. Also, the filter setting is not persistent as it is in Finale.

So, unlike in Finale where you needed to set the filter and then make your selection (or, more often, make your selection, say “Oh, crap!” set the filter and then make your selection again) , in Dorico you need to make your selection first and then do the Filter conmand.

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Not exactly. In Dorico the filter refines the currently selected material, regardless of whether anything has yet been copied to the clipboard. In Finale the filter is only applied to the paste action.

It took me a while to get used to it too, but I much prefer the filtering to be visually reflected in the selection, rather than having to wait until I’ve pasted to see if it worked.

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