Have bass line with figured bass. When copying this into the basspart of a piano stave then copies to the upper stave. Have tried to upload a video but doesn’t work… strange
Here a link to take look to the problem
Hi @Mehmet_Yesilcay, I cannot reproduce your issue. Can you upload your Dorico Project?
IIRC Figured Bass in Dorico is customarily tied to the top staff.
After having watched the short video, I guess this bass line is the remaining of a grand staff instrument (where you hid the top staff). As Derrek pointed out, Figured Bass is tied to the top staff of a grand staff instrument, that’s why your copy/paste action gives that result.
I am not sure what happens if you temporarily
make both staves visible and do the copy/paste action then, or if you can do this all in Galley View instead.
Hak serleri-Forte-PNO-RED.dorico (1,5 MB)
Ideally, figured bass would belong to the instrument as a whole, rather than to any particular staff, but as things stand, from a technical point of view Dorico does not have the capability to do this, so items like figured bass and piano pedal indications are attached to a single staff of the instrument, customarily the top staff.
If you want to show only one staff of the instrument and use figured bass, it’s better to show the top staff of the instrument. You can of course change the clef on that staff.
hmm not very useful handling. I need this often in Baroque music. In Sibelius its not a problem
It is not a problem in Dorico either. Just because something offends one’s sensibilities doesn’t make the process any more difficult. I switched to Dorico (long ago) because it offers many benefits over prior programs and has excellent developer support. No program is perfectly aligned with my logic, but Dorico has a logic behind its development which I can learn to use the program effectively and creatively.
It’s frustrating that sometimes simple tasks in Dorico are so difficult to manage. I’ve already spent hours on this, time that could have been used for more creative work. The constant praise of Dorico without acknowledging its weaknesses is annoying. It’s important to show where improvements are needed so the software can truly evolve. I believe it’s possible to make things better.
Mehmet, the best tip you received in this thread:
And please next time please ask here first to avoid frustration. Sometimes it’s just a little detail that one needs to know.
In my own response to your post, I directly acknowledged that the current situation is not ideal. What more do you want from me?
This was the answer to Derrek. I don’t want to offend or upset anyone. My goal is to achieve the best and most efficient workflow with Dorico. I have several large projects under time pressure, and I simply cannot afford to waste time on unnecessary issues. Sometimes, Dorico really doesn’t make it easy for me. If it weren’t for this forum and the help it provides, I would have switched back to Sibelius long ago. My assistants refuse to work with Dorico. I’m staying committed and hoping that these unnecessary problems will be resolved soon. It would be great if something could be done about it soon, as these issues are real creativity killers. I have already written to John Barron about this several times. There is a long list…
Christian, you have always great ideas. Do you have a solution?
I need a baseline with figures in piano. This is for a piano reduction. The idea with upper system is a bit complicated. I have 24 arias to do. I think I will do it in Sibelius; I am losing far too much time—unless a solution comes.
Well, even if I cannot grasp 100% what is happening in your setup, I made two short videos to show possible ways.
The culprit and main problem is that you have created the figured bass figures as local. if you create them global, the music will nicely be pasted to the correct staff (lower staff of the piano, if you select it for pasting, as you can see in my second video):
Video 1. : filter for notes and chords before copy and paste:
Video 2. : new piano and bass instruments, and global figured bass: no issue:
Here the manual about local vs global figured bass input (I don’t know it there is a way to transform all local inputted figured bass figures from local to global):
Thank you very much, Christian. You always come up with the best solutions. It seems that something is indeed wrong with my setup. I am unable to switch figured bass between global and local. Perhaps it’s because these notes were imported as XML. I tried copying everything into a new setup, but it still doesn’t work. It only functions correctly when I rewrite everything from scratch. James Gilbert wrote in Dorico Facebook Group: panel at the bottom to change to global. It’s always amazing how Dorico manages to make simple tasks complicated.
Just select a local item of figured Bass, click enter to edit it, the head appears in the blue popover, keep Alt(Option) pressed and press Enter. Now that particular item is global. But if you try to edit it, the head appears because the editor switches automatically to local, if in the same staves are other local figured Bass items (as I understood from the Manual).
If you copy the music, you are copying also the setting of the figured Bass (that is set to local in the source) , so it just behave in the same way even if pasted in a new project.
No this is not what I meant. The Locally vs Globally scope of the Properies Panel influences how the properties overrides/settings will be applied when you switch/change them after setting the scope (the scope is not retroactive, fortunately I would say).
Differently the Local or Global for figured Bass items ist just visible and changeable from the popover and is not changeable from the Properties Panel.
(If I have mistaken, please Someone correct me)