Copy and paste ONLY dynamics please

So I’ve been working on a concert band score and I just entered all my horn parts (time for a drink!). Now I’d like to copy all the dynamics from one horn part - to the end of the flow - to the others so I don’t have to manually enter them. When I tried command > shift > A (select more) it selects ALL dynamics even back to the beginning. If I use the “Select to end of flow” after selecting a crescendo, it also selects all the notes! I don’t want that either, I want to select just the dynamics. Can I do this?

Select to End of Flow and then Filter the Dynamics.


Thank you so much @benwiggy I was sure there was some way I just couldn’t seem to find it. Maybe I drank to much after manually entering all those horn parts…

If you want it to be really quick:

Select a note
type: J
type: Filter all dynamics = fd(enter)

Now you’ve set up a jump bar alias of ‘fd’ for filter all dynamics.

Select all the music in the passage
type: jfd(enter).

I’ve got this set up for filtering just notes as well. It’s a real timesaver.


So you could give benwiggy the solution?