Copy and paste questions

Is there a way to copy and paste the first line so that all my adjustments (stemless, hide rests, etc) are copied but not lyrics?

You can set the Filter to Deselect, and then Deselect the Lyrics.


  • select the whole bar(s)
  • choose Edit menu → Filter → Deselect only
  • choose Edit menu → Filter → Lyrics → All Lyrics
    This will keep everything selected, except the lyrics.

If you think you’ll need this action quite often, you may consider setting a custom key command for it.

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Thanks, that worked for removing lyrics, but the stemless and hidden rests didn’t copy correctly. Is that possible? I’ll be doing that over 30 times for this project.

Hidden stems are a property of the note, so they should copy within the same Layout, at least.

Hmm, that’s actually strange. It’s by design you cannot select invisible items (otherwise you’d never know what you selected). So I’d expect not to see the rests again after pasting.
I assume you made the rests invisible using Edit → Remove Rests? In that case, it means notes surrounding it will have the Starts Voice/Ends Voice property, which I would’ve expected to be retained. Also the stemlessness of the crotchets. I don’t understand, maybe there’s someone else who knows what’s happening?

A few days into my Dorico adventure and I’ve stumped the experts!
I don’t understand why there are rests in the first measure since there is only one voice.
I see why the stem is there - it turned the whole note into a dotted half tied to a quarter. Why?

Because Dorico puts rests in the second voice between the notes in bar 2 and the notes in bar 4.

Presumably because that’s how the meter of that bar is defined. Selecting the notes that you want to copy and press O (the letter) to Force the Duration before you copy. Or fix the meter.

I’m guessing it’s 13/4, to accommodate the black note…?

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Pressing O before copying fixed everything, the whole note, stems and rests.

I need to remember that somehow…

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If the notes with starts/ends voice property are outside the selection, then they will not be copied.

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@Janus That must be it, thanks.