Copy and paste system track information without including the notes?

Sorry for asking a somewhat simple question.

Is there a way to copy all system track information without including the notes? Specifically, I’m interested in copying elements like the repeat structure, chords, barlines, etc.

An alternative might be to copy just one instrument or a specific group of instruments along with the system track information (e.g. chords for a rhythm instrument).

Even that I have not figured out yet…

Thanks a lot!

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You could try opening up a Part Layout that has no music in it and select the System Track there?

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Hey Johannes!

If I understand you correctly, I think I might have a solution for you.

  1. Highlight the entire selection you want to copy.
  2. Right click → Filter → Deselect Only
  3. Right click (again) → Filter → Notes and Chords

This will deselect all of the notes you have written while keeping everything else selected.


I was about to write what @Nic_Nipp said. If you want the chords to copy, there is one more step required. To do that, select the first chord, then “select more” (Ctrl-Shift-A) until all the chords are selected. Copy and paste. (Don’t forget to reset the filter to Select when done with everything).

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I think you would have to deselect a lot more things as well (depending on the content). E.G. any dynamics, text, lyrics… etc

Yes! Thanks for adding that.

Right, so for everything you don’t want to be selected, the “Filter” function makes it incredibly easy to deselect it all. Depending on how many things you’d have to deselect in the context of your piece, it may be quicker to instead just filter select all of the things you DO want to copy.

Correct. It’s simple but the more things you have the more times you have to follow the steps.

This is why I suggested navigating to a blank part; it would have nothing but the system objects. Unless I am missing something…

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Unfortunately it does not work like that. You cannot add items to a selection, only remove them.
(wish it were otherwise)


You’re right my friend. Sorry about that mistake.

I’m not sure if the idea has been floated before but perhaps an “Advanced Filter dialog” would be cool? e.g. Use System Track to highlight range > open the “dialog” > choose only what you want selected or deselected.

Even cooler: the dialog that pops up could only contain notations that are in the selection. i.e. if you select a range that doesn’t contain dynamics then dynamics will not be available to select/deselect.

Even cooler: you could choose which instrument or instruments that you want this filter.


Thank you all for your replies!!! - I will try both ways today (using filter and using an empty instrument).

Yes, yes and yes!!! - There is definately a need for an advanced additive filter where you can filter different elements at the same time instead of deselecting 15 other things (which always differ, depending on the musical material).

The way you described it would be awesome.

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Having a filter dialog that allows you to select or deselect lots of things at once is definitely in our plans. (But many things are in our plans, so don’t expect it to appear overnight!)


This is fantastic to hear!

One other thought: you can export a tempo track of a flow, then import it into another one.

It definitely brings across tempo marks and time signatures; I can’t remember whether it also includes repeat structures.

Hello Lilli,

Thanks a lot! - This is good to know.


I don’t know if it’s been mentioned in this thread before, but Dorico’s key shortcuts can be quite powerful. You can assign a SERIES of successive keys to a command.

For example, I have Command F followed by L to Select all Lyrics.
Command F followed by N to select Notes.
In short, I’ve used the same letters as Dorico uses elsewhere: S for slurs, G for Figured Bass, O for Ornaments, M for metre.

If you have Deselect active, then these commands will remove each type from the selection. (You could also set keys for Filter Select/ Filter Deselect.)

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