Copy and Pasting tracks

Wat is the most efficient way of copy 4 tracks of a project (let’s say a string section) to another project. Cubase 13 Pro


Alan Russell


Use the File > Import > Tracks from Project option, please.

Martin, I assume I have to highlight the copied tracks before File > Import > Tracks from Project option Do I have to have the 2nd project open prior to this or not?


No, that’s the advantage. The project is not loaded. You can see the project’s track list and you choose, which track(s) do you want to import, how and where.

worked like a charmed - thanks so much Martin!!

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Does Cubase 13 Element not have this feature? I don’t see the option following these steps. I would have got the pro in the first place if I new this wasn’t in the Element version.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

As you can see in the Cubase comparison chart, the Import Tracks from project feature is Cubase Pro only.