Copy file from montage to File Group


I have a Montage with ten audio files and I also want to use some of these in a File group for separate analysis, test of plugins etc.

But I cannot for the life of me find a simple way of “copying” a file from the Montage to a File group!
I thought there must be some “shortcut” instead of having to look up the file in the File browser or Recent Audio Files and add it to the project/file group.

What’s the best way to do this?
I just would like to right-click on the file in Montage and choose “Copy to File group” or be able to drag and drop the file to the File group.
But this doesn’t seem to work?


Open the audio file (in the same tab group), then drag and drop its tab to the desired file group. This does not copy, but open the file there. What you want, right?


Thanks for the reply!

I’m not sure I understand how you mean I am supposed to open the audio file used in a montage “in the same tab group”.
Do you mean using the File Browser or using som function in the Montage.

I know realised that you can actually click on the top of the audio file in the montage and then drag n’ drop it to a File group but then the file is “untitled” in that File group.

All I want to do is:

  • I have a project with an exisiting Montage (or I open an old existing one) with various audio files stored somewhere on disk

  • Some of these audio files (stored on disk) I want to “move/open” in a File group to work on without having to locate them in their current folders using File Browser etc. I already “have them” in the montage.

  • I thought (intuitively) that hopefully you could put the cursor somewhere on the file in the Montage and then choose “Open in new File Group”, “Open in exisiting Filegroup”, “Add to …” (or whatever) in a simply way. But I haven’t found such a way…

  • You can see the audio files represented in the Montage, the CD tab and the Clips tab - so hopefully you should be able to “open” the actual file from there in some way.

  • If I click on the file in the Clips tab I get the “+” sign and I can drag the file to a File group but no file is copied/opened in the File group…!?

I will continue to try this out…


When you right click in the bottom of a clip, you get the following menu. Select “Edit Source”
This will open the audio file in the same file group as the montage. Then you can drag its tab to another file group.


Ok, thanks PG, now I get it.
That will work I guess, I’ll try that!
