Copy paste selection tool issue


I would like to know how to include silences/empty parts while copy pasting with the range selection tool.

Thank you


If I understand your use case correctly… The “silence” (the empty space between the Audio Events) is copied. But as you copy it over already existing Audio Events, they are placed to another Lane. So if there is an empty space, the next Lane plays back. You can use the Comp tool to manage the Lanes playback.

If you copy/paste an event over another event the preexisiting event will not be deleted - it remains underneath the newly copied event.
The silence in your screenshot does not work as an event - it is just what it is - silence.

Option 1
If you want to turn this silence into an event you have to create an empty event in between the two events of your screenshot (Grid to Event > Pencil Tool).

Option 2
Delete or mute the preexisting events beforehand (or afterwards if you prefer)

Option 3
After copy and paste move the events manually to separate lanes as @Martin.Jirsak suggested and use the Comp tool

Do I hear Option 4?
I am confident.

I’m in for number 4.

Select the 2 Audio Events and convert them into an Audio Part.

And a probably/maybe works 5

Select the Audio Events and Group them.