Copy to Clipboard Problem?

I record mainly classical music. After I have set up a montage with all the CD trackmarkers in in, I then use the "Generate Audio CD report into raw text format. Then press the Copy to Clipboard button.

Regretfully, exporting
6) Étude Op. 10, No. 8 “Sunshine” by Frédéric Chopin

results in
6) E’tude Op. 10, No. 8 “Sunshine” by Fre’de’ric Chopin
appearing in my text editor. Almost all unicode characters appear to be affected.

If I use CMD-C instead of Copy to Clipboard and paste it into the text editor, everything is fine.

I am on a Mac, is there something I should be doing to get the data correctly copied to my text editor pressing the Copy to Clipboard button?

This means your text editor does not recognize the UTF-8 character set by default. Maybe you can instruct it to do so, or use another text editor.

WaveLab always exports to UTF-8 (Unicode 8 bit).

Thanks PG

I think it does support Unicode because if I highlight the text generated from the CD report and then paste it into the same text editor, the Unicode characters appear correctly.

I will investigate the text editor, but am not hopeful.

The text editor might support UTF-8, but when it loads the text file, it might not “think” this is UTF-8.