Copying accidentals and tonality systems

I wonder if it’s possible to copy and/or duplicate tonality systems, in order to make edition easier. For instance, if I create a 1200EDO system (cents) it would be wonderful to be able to copy or duplicate the 12EDO or the 24 EDO system not to have to work from scratch.
Similarly, within the same tonality system or between systems, it would be cool to be able to copy alterations and clefs.

It’s not currently possible, but it is something we have talked about and plan to implement in future.

Good to hear! Thank you!

hello - to follow up on this question:

I wrote a whole piece in a custom tonality system (basic JI using Ben Johnston notation) and defined lots of custom accidentals. It plays back perfectly, which is miraculous. Thank you for this feature!

Now I want to make a 12tet version of the piece. I duplicated the whole piece to a new flow and removed all accidentals that aren’t normal flats and sharps, then changed the key back to the existing 12tet tonality system – but even basic flats and sharps disappear (which I had redefined per the Ben Johnston notation system).

If I could duplicate my custom tonality system to make a new version of it, I could just redefine the octave divisions back to 12tet and redefine my flats and sharps to work with that. But since I can’t do any copying or duplicating of tonality systems or accidentals, I’m fearing that the only option would be for me to change the whole flow to 12tet and then input every single flat and sharp back into the piece manually.

I tried duplicating the whole project and then modifying my custom tonality system, but it still makes all my accidentals disappear.

Can anyone recommend a faster workflow?



I tried duplicating the whole project and then modifying my custom tonality system, but it still makes all my accidentals disappear.

I’ve used the Helmholtz Ellis accidentals, and I’ve found that if I redefine the octave divisions (e.g. I made a mistake), the accidentals don’t disappear, they just sound different, as you describe above (“redefine the octave divisions back to 12tet”). So maybe, you could duplicate your piece (Save As), and not change your tonality system, but just redefine it?

Or have you already tried doing this?

I hope this helps!

In the forthcoming update, you will be able to duplicate a tonality system, duplicate an accidental within a tonality system, and indeed export a tonality system from one project and import it into another. Hopefully this will help.