Is there a way to copy/paste chord symbols in Dorico 5?
Do you mean to other staves in the score at the same location? Or to other bars earlier or later in the score? I’m only asking because the method is different. Dorico sort of has a global chord track and you pick and choose where the chords are shown based on how you have the Players configured in Setup, and with Chord Symbol and Slash Regions. If you mean to other bars earlier or later in the score you can select the chord symbols and Alt-click them wherever you want. One quick way to select lots of chords is to use the System Track to select everything in those bars, then Filter for Chord Symbols.
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you for the greeting and the help! It looks like my mistake was that I was selecting the measures but not the chords themselves. Once I clicked on the chord symbol itself (and dragged across multiple chords for highlighting several), I was able to copy/paste into other measures later in my score.
Glad you found an answer!
Note @FredGUnn’s suggestion for the System Track above. It’s a powerful selection tool. As you do more and more complex lead sheets, you’ll find this makes selecting and pasting chords WAY easier.