Copying Just lyric

Hi Forum,
I want just to copying lyrics between the systems whitout changing the notes
how to?

  1. Select one lyric
  2. Use the “select more” function several times until they’re all select
  3. Copy and paste

You can also Filter the Selection to include only the Lyrics.

You can Duplicate to Staff Above/Below, if the rhythms are the same, or Alt-click the selection to paste it to a new location.

Or, once lyrics are selected, Copy, and then you can paste each syllable into the popover, in turn.


As Dan & Ben said, adding that you can press J to invoke the Jump Bar, type “Filter All Lyrics=fl” (or whatever you want after the equal sign), then Return and all lyrics will be selected.
The next time you need this, you can just do J > fl > Return on a selection for the same result!

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Wait… what??? :exploding_head:

How do I miss this stuff…

I think they are called jump bar aliases.
Be careful, they are very addictive :innocent:

I know about the aliases, but I didn’t know you could create them from within the jump bar itself by using an equals sign.

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Too busy doing real work! :grinning:


Select a passage, filter for Lyrics, then copy and paste where you want. Set up a shortcut for filtering Lyrics and this goes extremely fast.

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I believe I’ve learned this in a Dorico Tuesday Tips or a Discover Dorico episode. Would’ve probably never found it otherwise.
Besides, I’m not aware of how to create those in another way :smiley: