Copying lyrics from staff to staff

My problem is related - I think. I would like to copy or export lyrics from Dorico Pro to Word so I can format a lyrics page and add translations. I can copy lyrics from staff to staff within Dorico using the flow line selection, filtering the lyrics, then copying and pasting.

Since there is no export option for lyrics, I tried copying the lyrics in the same way to paste into Word. Nothing appears in the clipboard and nothing pastes into Word. Does Dorico not place the lyrics in the standard clipboard used by other programs? Or am I missing something? Is there any way around this?


You’re not missing anything right now, David, no, but I agree it would be a good feature to have. We’ll think about how best to handle this in future.

Thanks for the clarification. I hope that the ability to cut and paste lyrics to/from Word will be possible one day.

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Yes, Word to lyrics!

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