Could you let us know when Chords Symbols will be available?

Daniel effectively said: “within the next three weeks”! :slight_smile:



I just posted a small question which can be answered in a single line and as a user I think I’m entitled to ask.
Just as many others I’m also waiting for the Chord symbol options to move ahead, more so on a product that probably has been released to soon and evolves to a mature version gradually.
I salute Daniel for his dedication to the users of Dorico, but I think mentioning a fixed date should not be a problem.
And last but not least Derek, live and let live!


Franklinspired, I cannot speak for Derek however I imagine he was just a little frustrated since this question has been asked innumerable times across the forum by umpteen users and the answer is always the same, “before the end of June”. I have a feeling that D doesn’t want to commit to a date in case there is a last minute snafu, and in the event that things go well, they could even push the date up a bit. No date commitment means no disappointment for users. At this point we are so close that it almost doesn’t seem to make a difference if it is two weeks from Tuesday or Friday.

What is the benefit to Steinberg (or to Daniel personally) of announcing a fixed date, and then either releasing the update “late”, or releasing it on time but with chords half implemented or with some serious unfixed bugs?

In software development, if you can make a 100% accurate forecast of where you will be in 3 weeks time, you aren’t moving fast enough! These days, there are “team planning and progress meetings” every day, not once a week or once a month.

S-L-O-W D-E-E-P breaths, folks. :smiley: