CPU Problems Cubase 10.5

First of all, happy New Year to all.
Then I recently installed Cubase 10.5 on my Mac (OSX Catalina I9 3.6 Ghz 32 GB memory) and I get a few CPU overload cracks every now and then.
The CPU gauge is below 25 percent, however I have the red light on the right side of the gauge that comes on quite frequently and makes a crackling noise.

I don’t understand why.
The project I am currently working on is not very busy.
I was working on the same project on my 2015 Macbook Pro and I didn’t have that problem.
It’s not really disturbing, I’m increasing the size of the buffers and it’s more or less the job, I just don’t understand why with a computer twice as powerful as my Macbookpro laptop why I have this kind of problem on a small project…
Do you have an idea?
Thank you in advance and have a nice day.

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