CPU vs. ASIO Performance: Why is the performance meter maxed, but CPU not?

It is to say Cubase Audio Engine is one of the better in the industry. You will cry when you start using some others, like avid pro tools. At least you can put like 12 or some plugins in working. Protools does drop after 2 or 3 plugins. The only Audio Engine that is really better then Cubase is Reaper, by far. But Cubase does a goed job in driving windows and the processors. Basically take a good look at your bios settings, kill all software running at the same time, and check your asio drivers or settings > 8ms.

Another thing is the ASIO GUARD, what works ok but it grabs beforehand, so in many situations you have processortime left, a harddrive or other software kick in, the ASIO GUARD kicks inā€¦ That is OK, but at High ASIO Guard this happens too much. Set to LOW of OFF, my CUBASE 10 is 100% flawless. So i turned off the ASIO Guard in C10 and all works betterā€¦ Though the ASIO Guard Analyzer is 100% correct, the way it works is less then correct and can have more hangups then when turned off.

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Protools crashing with 2 or 3 plugins? Do you think somebody buys this afaik? Bsht.

what about mac ? how do i optimize cubase 12 on mac m1 ?

I had this same issue. As soon as I set my Asia guard to high and sample to 2048 on MacBook Pro cubase 13 the spikes disappeared. Hope this helps :crossed_fingers:t4: