Fortsetzung der Diskussion von Crash while importing MIDI file:
Hello everyone, this isn’t exactly the same problem that D. Spreadbury apparently already solved but similar. After importing a MIDI file and working it, Dorico freezes (Mac-OS twirling color wheel). I force-quit the programm. I can’t start Dorico again with that file (double-click on the file name) until I restart the computer. This has happened with two different MIDI-files–once when I tried to save the file, and once when I tried to open the “Help” website by using the command “Dorico Help” under “Help” in the top command line (in other words the crash/ freeze doesn’t occur when I do anything to the MIDI data or during the import but sometime shortly afterward). I imported another MIDI file into a new project and had no trouble with it but I didn’t try to change anything, I just played it once or twice and saved it. I’m attaching the Dorico file and the two MIDI files, with which I have had trouble. If I can do anything else to help diagnose the problem please ask; or of course if anybody knows a fix I will be happy to hear it. (I’ve added a diagnostic file, created at the first start of the program after the second crash, I hope it’s useful.)
Dorico (832,4 KB)
RemarkableforGirlTalkV1.dorico (2,3 MB)
BassV18.mid (4,9 KB)
DrumsGirlTalkV1.mid (13,6 KB)