Crash on Auto Fades Settings Dialog

Cubase is crashing when I try and change, or even see the auto fade settings. Any ideas? I can’t even find a way to disable them in this current project.

Cubase 10.0.20 on Windows 10


Could you try in Cubase Safe Start Mode?

If it’s still crashing, could you attach the *.dmp file, located in Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps folder, please?

Yes - it causes crashes for me as well.

However worse than this, Auto Fades is completely broken 10.0.20 - I’ll make a new topic about it in issues.


Please attach the crash dump file.

The issue persists when booted in safe mode. dmp file attached.
Cubase 64bit 2019.5.4 (1.53 MB)

And a Mac one using Safe Start -
Auto Fade Crash (29.5 KB)


I cannot reproduce it here. But I reported it to Steinberg CAN-22633.

Do you have an older Cubase preferences folders? Could you try to rename these folders, to make sure you get really the Factory Settings, please?


If you check the Nuendo forum they are also having this problem there as well, so it seems like an across the board code issue.

Mine doesn’t crash all the time, but if for example you were to to check out what was wrong with auto fades in general (as in its totally broken as described in my other post here!) and flicked between the general settings and the tracks settings a couple of times, you would get a crash I’m sure :wink:

I can confirm Auto Fades settings is broken. I got all the time crashes.

Auto Fades Broken here too.
I consider this a very serious issue, as autofades are an integral part of my workflow, and such a basic feature.

Does Steinberg acknowledge this? Any plans for fixing it?

Thank you.


Hi and welcome,

What is broken specifically, please? Do you have the latest update installed, please?

1.Create Empty Project
2.Project>Auto Fades Settings
3.Check “Equal Power” then OK
4.Project>Auto Fade Settings
5.Setting window won’t open

1.Create Empty Project
2.Project>Auto Fades Settings
3.Check “Equal Power” then OK
4.Add Audio Track
5.Try to open Audio Track’s Auto Fades Setting
6.Serious error message

1.Create Empty Project
2.Add Audio Track
3.Open Audio Track’s Auto Fades Settings
4.Uncheck “Use Project Settings” and check “Equal Power” then OK
5.Try to open Audio Track’s Auto Fades Settings
6.Setting window won’t open

Auto Fade Settings are no longer available in those projects.
Cubase Pro 10.0.30


Thank you.

I can reproduce them and I reported to Steinberg CAN-24602.


This issue has been fixed in Cubase 10.0.40 update.

Well that’s just great - the feature STILL does not work but the crash has been fixed!!!

What is going on at Steinberg? How can this be left broken like this for so long???


What exactly doesn’t work, please?

Think he means this…


  1. Create Empty Project (Project>Auto Fades Settings is not changed. Nothing is checked.)
  2. Create Audio Track
  3. Open Audio Track’s Auto Fades Settings
  4. Uncheck “Use Project Settings” then OK
  5. Open Audio Track’s Auto Fades Settings again
  6. Check “Use Project Settings” then try to uncheck it again. check, uncheck, check,…
    Result: Unstable


  1. Create Empty Project
  2. Open Project>Auto Fades Settings. For example, check “Auto Fade In” then OK
  3. Create Audio Track
  4. Open Audio Track’s Auto Fades Settings
  5. Uncheck “Use Project Settings” then OK
  6. Open Audio Track’s Auto Fades Settings again
  7. Check “Use Project Settings” then try to uncheck it again. check, uncheck, check,…
    Result: Unstable. Project Settings are not recalled correctly.

Cubase Pro 10.0.40

Its not just Cubase - Nuendo is also broken as was reported in the Nuendo forum after the 10.0.20 release


Sorry, I cannot test it right now. What do you mean by “unstable”, please? Does it crash?