Create a part

How can I create a part that uses only the instruments in the selected range?

Create a new layout and choose the two Vilon-Players (or any player you desire) to be included (on the left side).

Hope that helps,


I’ll specify Stephan’s answer a little:
In Setup Mode, after you have created a new layout (you’ll do that in the right panel), you’ll select the new layout by clicking on it (in the right panel), then you select (click onto) the players that you want to be included on the left panel.
If you don’t mind, give us a little feedback if you have managed.

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I’ve selected it. What should I do next?

Tick the players you want to include (in the left panel).

Is it okay to click on ‘Add Instrumental Part Layout’ to create it?

I suppose so, yes. There are multiple ways to get the same result. We cannot list them all :wink:
Ticking the players with a layout selected does not add a new layout. So you don’t need to delete any extra layout you wouldn’t need. Use the workflow that suits you best!

for example

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