Hey there, I am having trouble tweaking the last measure. I am looking to create a “hanging/incomplete” measure at the end of a transcribed excerpt. The original has something like this:
Okay, I just realized I don’t understand the syntax of Dorico’s meter signposts either; what is the (e, 1) suffix meant to indicate?
I thought for the longest time that was telling you the length/beats of the pick-up bar… but creating a 4/4 time signature with a 2 beat pick-up bar gives you 4/4, (q, 1+1+1+1). This doesn’t show up without a pick-up bar, so I’m confused how that last bit represents the anacrusis?
It’s a signpost. You can turn them on or off. Indispensible for viewing hidden time signatures and so on. Here is the list of note value abbreviations Dorico uses:
Because the PDF page count is liable to change due to even minor amendments to picture sizes, related links, topic order etc, here’s a direct link to the equivalent page in the online manual (scroll down a bit for the metronome mark beat unit section)
(PS @Andro I published a minor update to the manuals last week, so if you maintain a local saved copy of the PDF on your computer, it might be worth updating it)