Create bar with another time signature after bar

For the following problem I know a workaround, but I’m not sure if it is how it is supposed to be. I have a 7/8 bar and want to create a 4/4 bar afterwards:


So now I add an additional bar after the 7/8 bar:


I know have two 7/8 bars, go to the second one an change it to 4/4:


The result is that I get a 7/8 bar with 4/4 indication and I don’t see how I could change this:


My workaround is to create a 4/4 bar after the existing 4/4 bar instead and move the content around. However, maybe someone knows if this is supposed to be so. Thank you!

When creating time signatures, Dorico only re-bars as far as the next existing time signature.
Either turn on Insert mode before inputting the time signature (step 3 of the procedure here: Inputting time signatures with the popover)
or input the time signature, then place the caret where you want the extra quaver/eighth and type Shift-B 1e Enter.

Thanks for the explanation, Leo, it now makes sense.