Create Drum map from Halion kit

I was trying to do this but it didn’t seem to work. I noticed a lot of the kits in Halion sound better than the Groove Agent SE kits.
Create Drum from Instrument works fine for GA kits but not for Halion?
It would nice if this could work, especially when importing custom sounds from Halion and dump into a drum map.


Do you have any example? Do you mean 3rd party libraries?

Most of the menus in Halion, there are more samples mapped across more pads and they sound better more inspiring to me.
But I realize I may be comparing Halion 7 vs Groove Agent Se (not the full GA), so I think I need to check out the full version for better kits.

I tried some standard Halion Sonic kits and they can create a drum map.
It would be nice to know which drum kits exactly don’t work in this way.

It seems two things are at play. I was able to get it to work a couple times but it seemed that it wasn’t working after I used it once, after that it was always grey-ed out for me.

When I got it to work, though a kit called HipHop Multi came up with no names for drum hits.


Has anyone gotten it to work with Battery 4 VST?

From what I can see there are no names for any of the drum sounds from Halion Sonic Selections.

Here, it works with HS Factory kits.


Do not use a drum map! Select the No Map option. Then use the MIDI menu to open the drum editor.

Caveat: I didn’t do any extensive testing.

Oh I see. When I tried that it just comes up with the GM listing, which for those Halion kits are GM mapped (shows on the ICON in the rack slot).
but my list is not the same as yours I am not sure why.
If I select the Halion entry it will show an updated listing which updates if I change instruments, but usually the names are not easily readable.