I tried searching both google and the Dorico User Forum and no luck. I am working on a score and I transposed it up a whole step for tenor sax. I want to add the text string “Tenor Sax” to the right of the song title. I am in Write Mode, and I go to the Write Menu, scroll down to Create Text, then mouse over to the pop out, and everything is greyed out. Any idea where I am going wrong? Screen shot below…
As @Janus indicates, text objects need to be attached to a rhythmic position in the music.
A part name, which is really just placed on the page rather than tied to the music, would normally be done using a text frame, which you would add in Engrave mode, not Write mode. And if you set up your project using Dorico defaults, the default page templates already have a text frame for parts that automatically displays the layout (part) name. So it looks like you’ve made some changes to this layout, or maybe to the page templates in the project, to remove that frame.
When you created the score, did you start with the instrument of Tenor Saxophone?
When you created the score, did you start with a Tenor Saxophone instrument? That will have the transposition automatically contained within – just switch the view from Concert Score to Transposed Score. When you switch to the part layout, the instrument name will appear in the upper left corner (if you haven’t manually deleted the text frame and token. It sounds like you’re making things way more complicated than it needs to be.
@dwlarson, This score started its life as a MusicXML Lead Sheet import. When it initially came in, the song title appeared twice; the large font that you see in my screen shot, and it appeared again in smaller font, with “1.” preceding the song name. I double-clicked the smaller one and it turned into a text string that was bookended by “@” signs, with a flashing cursor which I used to delete it. It’s possible that was the part name. So it started as a piano lead sheet in the key of G and I started by transposing it to C. I reharmonized the chord changes, primarily for our keyboardist and bassist. Not visible in the screen shot, I also added an ending with a line for our saxophonist to play (my first time adding notes and rests; it was only three bars but I was pulling my hair out by the fistful and yelling at the screen… But I finally got it). The rhythm section is in C, so I just wanted to transpose up to D for the saxophonist, and add “Tenor Sax” so that we would know it was a transposed part.
Thanks again, I am most appreciative of all the help here!
By deleting the token from the Flow Heading text frame, what you did was to make a manual “override” to the layout of the page, which means that any changes you make to the page template will not be taken up by the page itself.
In Dorico, always look at the options first. Manually adjusting something is the last resort!