I have searched the web and Dorico instruction but I cannoy make a 3/4 time sig with a crochet bar pickup. Also with help from this forum I’ve added title, copyright, composer to the first page but cannot get it show the arranger. Thank you
Shift-m for the measure popover, then 3/4,1 and enter.
You can create it from the right-hand panel, too:
Click on the big “3/4” at the bottom, and you can then click it anywhere on your score. (You’ll see the mouse pointer will show the time sig.)
There’s no frame for Arranger, so you need to edit the existing ( or create a new one) and type the appropriate token.
… in the Page template!
Did you read the answers to your own post “Arranger” two days ago?
Thank you, solved the time sig problem.
I don’t know how to create a frame
Thanks to you all, I’ve created a new frame and the arranger now appears. Your helpp is much appreciated. Andy
I believe you asked the question here and received help.
Yes Stefan but I think that I misunderstood your reply