I’m looking about how to set a midi rule that can convert a midi part with mirror inverted notes
Example : if the midi part is “CDEFGABC” which means Whole tone and half tones intervals as “WWHWWWH”
The rule should create mirrored inverted intervals, so descending WWHWWWH should result in CBbAbGFEbDbC
Thanks for sharing your experience and advices
In the Logical Editor you can do these tasks. In not with Cubase at the moment, but I believe there is the Mirror option.
Hi Martin
Yes, the mirror in the logical editor works fine since the note number for the axis has been set
I noticed that midi fx inserts include “transformer” that uses the logical editor presets
So, I’ve tried to use my mirror preset as a midi fx in real time playing, but I didn’t succeed
It would be awesome to hear the mirrored notes in real time playing
Any idea to do that ?
Well, got it !!!
the mirror real time playing works, assumed that you have 1 midi track without midi fx, and another one with transformer with the mirror preset
Meanwhile, as the fx is real time, it doesn’t reflect the transposed notes in the score
To achieve that, once satisfied by the recorded track, need to disable the midi fx, and apply the logical editor preset on the track to mirror the notes in permanent mode
Very useful !
There’s also a green line in the MIDI inserts which indicates which of the FX are applied “pre” vs. post - i.e. before or after hitting the MIDI track. That makes a difference for some workflows.
For example when the MIDI FX insert is “pre”, the effect can be recorded into the track. If it’s “post”, the effect is applied during playback mode.