I have used “Part 1” etc. as flow headings because there are sections within each flow (that I originally conceived of as separate movements) but I would love to find a way to have them automatically formatted above tempo indications. I’ve had to drag them around in every part…
This is how it appears:
Nancy, I guess your sections “Antonie” are input as System Text (via Shift-Alt-X).
The question is, how to get System Text being displayed above the Tempo indications.
Make sure the Avoid Collision property for the System Text is not active. Then at least the Time Signatures are in the right place and the distance between the staves is correctly adjusted. You “only” need to drag the System Text to a sensible place. So far I don’t think there is an automatic procedure for this.
Alternatively, keep them as separate flows, so you can make use of Dorico’s automatic flow headings, but eg change the barline at the end of all but the last flow to be a double barline? That wouldn’t allow them to share a system, though.