Creating maps for new percussion instrument

Have put my log drum in Doricos instrument list under tuned percussion. I am now trying to create a percussion map for it, but when I start and click on the ‘instrument’ within the new percussion map it does not find log drum in the list. It does find it when I first create a new player.

Is the log drum an untuned percussion instrument?

Percussion Maps are only for untuned instruments and so perhaps this may have something to do with it (since you have added it to the tuned percussion family.)

Feel free to upload an empty project with this instrument in it and we can take a look.

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Ah…I see. Will try later and use expression map instead… assuming this would work ok. Or I could categorize as untuned? Thanks…been trying this off and on for a couple of days. Will feed back.

I edited it and changed to untuned percussion and I can now create a percussion map.

Thanks Daniel.

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