Hi everyone. I’m trying to figure out how to create that ‘Beatle-esq’ string sound found on things like I Am the Walrus. Or the 90s version of The Beatles, Oasis at the start of their song ‘Whatever’.
At the moment I’m using automation on the modulation wheel on Halion on the string sound. It sounds ok… but not great. Is there a better way to do this or am I barking up the wrong tree here? Can it be done? Do I need to fork out money for dedicated software?
To put this in context, I am a complete nube around midi etc. and work mainly with audio tracks and very basic instrumentation.
Yes, sorry, I meant I’m using pitch bend. I get a downward slide but it isn’t great at creating realistic slides (I’m sure there is a more technical term).
Rather than trying to play the Pitchbend in realtime, try hand entering/editing the PB data. Then you can play it in a loop & adjust the start & end points and the curve shape until you get what you like.
In this case, myself I wouldn’t put the PB down when the Note is On. I would first put the PB up, then Note On, then release the PB (or move it back to 0). But for some reason, I would do it from PB up to 0.