Crescendo Line

Hi Steinberg community, how can I see the dashed line of a crescendo? Thank you, Valerio

If you mean you want to see “cresc … … …”, see here. Note particularly the property scope - if it’s set to Locally, changing the appearance in the score won’t affect the part, for example. You can also change the default appearance of gradual dynamics in Engraving Options.

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As Lillie points out, the Dorico manual here:

…describes how to make a continuous cresc. with a dotted line (so players can see clearly where the longer crescendo ends).

It says in the manual:

‘If you selected cresc…, activate [= ‘click’ on] Continuation line style and choose one of the available options.’

Inside the Dynamics panel, I can’t see a ‘Continuation line style’ function to ‘activate’. Could this be the ‘Lines’ icon on the far right?:


If I use the above tool, then the crescendo dotted/dashed line appears above the stave instead of being integrated as an ‘emanation’ (ooer) from the word ‘cresc.’ itself. ‘Above’, is fine for vocal parts, but am I doing this the right way, and can’t a line be part-and-parcel of a long cresc. when summoned?

It’s still talking about in the Properties panel > Dynamics group.

Doh :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, just found it Lillie: