Croches blanches

Hey all,

Best way of achieving Croches Blanches in Dorico?

The above from Charpentier’s Noëls pour les Instruments (modern edition att. Nicolas Sceaux CC 3.0)

Obviously easy to change the crotchet notehead, but I can’t see a way to make it beam like quavers?


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Probably have to fake it with hidden tuplets?

i.e. use 2 quavers in the space of 4, then change the noteheads.

1 in the time of 2, type thing?

Ah perfect - that works well. Shame we can’t just beam the crotchets.
@Lillie_Harris yes have done this already many thanks

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Either edit the default notehead set or create a new one that uses the white notehead for all durations, including crotchet/quarter and shorter? You can do this in the Edit Notehead Sets dialog.

Playing Devil’s Advocaat: Do they convey anything that crotchets wouldn’t?


Authenticity :slight_smile: Also, there’s quite a lot of research gone into what Charpentier’s croches blanches mean, and certainly when they appear in the middle of an otherwise “normally” notated piece such as Le Reniement de St. Pierre, they obviously indicate a shift in mood and style. I also work a lot with coloured notation in Bolivian music, which is used to (we think) indicate stresses in multi-metered cross-rhythms. Like here:

(Juan Araujo - Ay Andar, credit Bolivian National Archive)

I take your point though - especially when I’ve wondered about why recreate neumes before…

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I have made a set of white notation heads (and done some Charpentier with it). I’ll post a score tomorrow so you can use the library manager to import it (I can’t do it now). You have to hide the odd stem, but otherwise it works great.


(Mmm advocaat! Make mine a snowball please)

Here you go. The noteheads are called “white notation”:

Domino gris.dorico (513.4 KB)

Since the note values are not true, I remember having to hide stems in engrave mode for “whole notes”. Also, you may want to tighten the note-spacing locally if you wish. In certain circumstances you may fiddle around with the key signature by starting with an upbeat. In this example, the 3/2 was entered as “3/2,1.5” and the 2nd measure is a 3/4 with the TS hidden.

Ah thank you - very kind! Actually I think @benwiggy ’s method works a little bit better - the only note head you need to change is the black one, and you don’t need to change or hide the time signature

Edit: but both very useful to have/know!

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I’ll take a look at Ben’s. Mine is VERY old!

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P.s what font did you use for the title?

No fonts. I used a graphics from the first edition of the 3rd book!

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Dash! Thought it looked too good to be true!