Reading elsewhere online, cross stick and side stick appear to be the same thing. Is there a difference, or is Dorico just providing different ways of notating the same technique?
I guess this is due to the VST library that is used.
Thanks Johannes.
If so, I can understand VST’s using different terminology (happens all the time) but notating them differently?
It is the same. Rim click side stick cross stick. I’m a drummer and always use the Rim click notation. X notehead. I think I see that in most notations I read. I think you Just have to chose what you are gonna use and stick to that. There will for sure be a drummer one day that will say “ no that is not how we do that”.
To my experience the x notehead is most common. But that is the Netherlands Europe.
Drumset notation is relative young.
Thanks Maarten.
I asked the question because I’m trying to set up percussion maps for some of the VST kits I have. It sounds simple enough but because the VST’s have a wide range of techniques, often in combinations, it quickly becomes complicated - well, for this non-drummer anyway.
Last time I did this, I used Weinberg as the basis for notation - with limited success. This time I thought I might try the notation approach adopted by Online Drummer.
I think the drum technique of “hit the rim of the drum with the back end of the stick while simultaneously having the tip of the stick resting on the drum head” is what is called “side stick” by e.g. Yamaha and “cross stick” by e.g. Roland. However I have known drummers who use “side stick” to mean something different - “hit some bit of the edge of the drum with the side of the stick (near the tip)” - and it’s difficult to know how standard that is.
That is the problem, there is no real standard. What I see most is the standardized drumset notation by Norman Weinberg with funny enough 1 exception the Rim click. I should use an x notehead. But weinberg uses encircled notehead.
What there is confusing that click sticks (again another name) is on the b line. All the other notation is common to me.
@Maarten_Kruijswijk, Thank you for clarifying this issue. Wish this answer had come up a few days earlier. Last week was spent setting up Dorico + VE Pro + MIR Pro with expression (EM) and percussion maps (PM) for various (drum & percussion) libraries. Trying to understand playing technique (PT) and playback technique (PBT) details. Thus noticed the snare drum PTs with different notehead selection for side vs. cross stick and started wondering: what’s the difference, did I miss something? I looked in my book library and online, could not find a difference and finally gave up.
Glad you confirmed it is a drum PT notation definition only. Now I can go on with my struggle modifying and testing EMs and PMs. Add-on Switches and PBT Combinations still are puzzling (1-to-1, N-to-1, otherwise?), but that is a different question. Thanks again.