crossfade : mirror behaviour


When i want to resize a crossfade i almost always want the start / end to vary together around the center point where i did my cut or junction. i never (or very rarely) want only the end or start of crossfade to change.
so i always need to change start… then end with my center point always changing through that process.
or i open the Xfade editor :stuck_out_tongue:
why isn’t it possible to select by default = change crossfade size : mirror start/end or independent start/end ?
or haveing a Alt+clic to link end with start.

Or does this option exist and i miss it ?
i don’t see in Pref - editing tool modifiers something that would do that.




And I don’t. I like the way it works in Nuendo where the fade length is set rather than the edit point.
But I wouldn’t mind it as an option, but I am not sure how easy it would be to have two modes of fade control.