Ctrl-Key to quickly audition events

Not sure whether I’m missing something: Ctrl key + Clicking on an event on a lane works perfectly fine to quickly audition the content. However, it does not work when doing so on the track itself. I.e., in order to quickly audition, I always need to expand the track to see its lanes, and then do the audition on the lanes.
Is there a way to make sure that Ctrl + Click also helps to audition in the “non-expanded” track?

(yes, I can also use Shortcut “9” to move to “Play”, and then “1” again to move back, but it’s not as effortless as using Ctrl as modified key)


Unfortunately this is not possible. The Play tool is not available in this case.

Thanks for the quick turn around, Martin. Too bad… then I guess I should add the feature request. At least to me using Ctrl as modified is really helpful here…

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