Cubase 10.0.10 on Mojave Unable to Record [SOLVED]


All of a sudden at the start of a project, my C10 stopped recording. I can record with my MR816 and U-Phoria, and iMac internal mic inside QuickTIme with no problem. However, I cannot record having those as input bus of Mono audio track in Cubase. What is going on? I trashed the library>Preferences> Cubase 10 folder and restarted my computer.

Thank you,

One has to go to System Preferences, in Secure & Privacy allow Cubase access to Microphone! It was removed all of a sudden!

My friend had this happen to him. This was the fix for his problem too!

Yup, it’s a new Apple “security thing” introduced in OSX Mojave;
You have to grant Audio Applications (like Cubase) acces to a mac’s microphone.
Usually, after having installed an Audio Application on Mojave, you will be asked if that Application may have acces to the microphone.
If you don’t, than the Audio Application can behave weird, like indeed, not being able to record in it.

Warm Regards.