Cubase 10.5.20 freeze when initialize audio alignment

Hello everyone!
Im using Cubase 10.5.20, and I noticed that it crashes when I start the program. Its stops when loading audio alignment.
If I end process, Cubase doesn’t start either.

Has anyone ever encountered this problem?

Afer a reinstall, first time was fine but after a restart, problem reappeared. Please help me!

Same here! Happened with new VRS8 interface and also latest Windows update, not sure which might have anything to do with it.

In case this helps anyone, I ran a Windows file checker tool on the system and it fixed some corrupt files and now Cubase loads correctly.

Nope, spoke too soon. It went back to freezing.

Getting same “freeze on startup” behavior. Occurs during the “Initializing Audio Alignment” subprocess.
Windows 10
Has started up normally on same machine before.
No improvement with Cubase 10.5.20 reinstall.

Same here. After a complete reinstall of Windows 10 (64bit) and CB 10.5.20 on the same hardware it freezes when “initializing audio alignment”. Before the reinstall everything worked.

Any news on this?

I am having the same problem with starting Cubase so has anyone figured it out?

me too. has anyone from Steinberg seen this and made a suggestion?

I’m now having this problem also, any updates? Steinberg? (please?)

I had fixed it, today. :sweat:
The probrem “audio aligner…”,“eucon…”,etc… it came from usb3 interface(maybe driver software), if you used Windows PC.
Try plug in your eLicenser USB device to another USB2.0 port, don’t use it on USB3.0 HUB. (of course, you have to use newest eLicenser driver software)
I had same problem since a few years ago at my main workstation, but I had fixed it today at last.

Getting the same problem here. I keep trying different USB ports but its seems to make no difference.