Cubase 10.5.20 Maintenance Update

It is not only plugins, I have 2 monitors with different dpi / scaling and Cubase does all sort of really weird and annoying things, all the time!.
The main menu sometimes gets so small that’s impossible to read, and the selected menu underneath the mouse is all messed up and impossible to select the right thing.
Same for some floating windows such as transport and colors, they resize to tiny windows and also don’t react properly to the mouse when dragging.
Moving things from one window to another, usually ends in unexpected behavior.

Expression maps are broken from day one on 10.5 and wasted countless hours already.
Lately i’ve even noticed that problems occur even when exporting, so i have to keep re-listening and re-exporting until Cubase decides to play all the articulations the right way.

Lately, for the first time in years, I also started looking for a different option, and that’s really a pity, because i really, really love Cubase :frowning: