Hi Mary,
you are posting in an english speaking forum, please use english as the language so that all users can understand your question.
Your question is if your products are all correctly registered.
To know if everything is correctly registered you need to mention what products you have. If they are all listed in your online profile, under eLicenser based products, then it is all ok. That should be the case when you start your eLicenser Control Center and run the Maintenance task.
I’m not sure what access code you are talking about here. If your products are all registered before 2022 you probably need to update them in the usual way, to get the current releases, that have Steinberg Licensing.
By updating to the latest release you also automatically get the latest Cubase 11 release, because that is the last one to use the USB eLicenser. That will also allow you to run all previous releases as well.
Regarding your uploaded pictures, they are not visible at the moment, because your trust level in the forum is currently basic. See here for more information about trust level.